
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017
My experience of English. Hi friends! Today I will write my last blog and it will be about of my experience of English in the University and in mi cotidian life. Recently, I've thought that I would like to learn this language in a next future, because during this semester in a lot situations I noticed that I have some aspect that I would like to get better. In general, not only in level 4, the classes's hours are insuficient If you want to learn to talking or listening because not all the persons to learn quickly, sometimes is necessary more practice or a particular classes for to develop the habilities related with the English. Nevertheless, in my situations, I think that principally I expanded vocabulary (for the use the blog) and to got better my reading comprehension. Also I consider that If the classes were in a best class schedule, maybe I will go more animate or less tired. I think I should improve my listening and the oral interaction because these topics are...
Back to the past 💥 Hello guys!  Have you thought that you would feel if you could go to the past or the future? I have thought this many times. If I could to choose between go to the past or the future, I prefer to go to the past because I could to change a lot action that today I am not pround jaja, or maybe I will make others things that when I have a determined age I didn't do. I think that everyone want to change something of the past, it's very common, but the mistakes is a part of the life and it's not always necessary to regret. For this reason, I consider that If I go to the past, is very probably that I will change a few actions, for example: When I said things without thinking about the consequences or when I got angry and maybe I hurt to others persons (that sad). I would like to go to the period of dictatorship in Chile because this subject catches my attention (violation of human rights, demonstrations, etc.). I would like to know the history of this p...
Changes tu my Study Programm  ✋ Hello friends! This will be one of the last blogs that I write because the year is ending :( So, today I will talk about a very important topic (not only for Odontology, but also for many other careers):  Changes to my Study Program.  To begin, one of the changes that I would make is to take out or merge subjects that are not so difficult, because there would be more time to devote to the more complex subjects.  I think that the wordload should be diminished because when a student is submitted a big load,  this student is unable of to realized the works correctly and in the future this could't be a good professional.  It would also be very useful if the university supports people who can not afford the materials. In this way, it would no longer be a barrier to study Odontology the fact of not being able to pay for the materials.  In relation to teaching methods, in the Diagnostic and Simulation UTE, I ...